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Information for Architects / Specifying Authorities

The Inspection and Guarantee program offered by APCA to Specification Authorities and Owners provides a two year guarantee of the workmanship and materials employed by the Painting Contractor who follows the qualifications and standards set out in the MPI Architectural Painting Specification Manual.


The APCA Guarantee Program was designed by the industry for the industry and provides a tool for APCA members to demonstrate quality and excellence of their work.

The goal of the inspection service is to provide all parties concerned, i.e. architects, project managers, painting contractors, and general contractors, with detailed and accurate reports, documenting procedures and products utilized in the successful completion of any and all painting and decorating contracts.

The service will monitor projects from start up to lock out, reporting abnormalities or variations from the specification to the Specifying Authority/Owner. All reports will be submitted at regular intervals, and a “Final Inspection” will be delivered prior to the APCA Guarantee being issued.

Here is how it works:

  1. APCA is notified of an APCA Guarantee job that is specified
  2. Contractor/Spec writers will notify APCA who won the bid
  3. APCA confirms that the painting contractor is a member
  4. APCA receives Request for Assignment of an Inspector with partial fee calculated on base contract amount
  5. An inspector is appointed
  6. APCA receives Product Submittal form, 09900 section and room finish schedule
  7. Inspections are carried out once products are approved and first installment fee is paid
  8. When inspections are finished, a deficiency list signed off, and final fee is paid, a Certificate of Guarantee and inspection booklets are provided to the owner, architect, and paint contractor. These booklets include all inspection reports, contact information, paint samples, technical data and maintenance requirements. (Final fees are due at the midpoint of the job.)

The program also provides no-cost industry standard technical advice and assistance to the Consultant, the objective being to assist in obtaining a superior and consistent quality performance, project after project.

Please notify us by phone, fax, or e-mail when you are specifying an APCA job in the future to aid our staff in facilitating the Certificate of Guarantee inspection process.

We value your comments, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the General Manager, Kirk Beggs at the APCA office.

Information for painting contractors

The Inspection and Guarantee program offered by APCA to Specification Authorities and Owners provides a two year guarantee of the workmanship and materials employed by the Painting Contractor who follows the qualifications and standards set out in the MPI Architectural Painting Specification Manual.

The APCA Guarantee Program was designed by the industry for the industry and provides a tool for APCA members to demonstrate quality and excellence of their work.

The goal of the inspection service is to provide all parties concerned, i.e. architects, project managers, painting contractors, and general contractors, with detailed and accurate reports, documenting procedures and products utilized in the successful completion of any and all painting and decorating contracts.

The service will monitor projects from start up to lock out. All reports will be submitted at regular intervals, and a “Final Inspection” will be delivered prior to the APCA Guarantee being issued.

Here is how it works:

  1. APCA confirms that the painting contractor is a member
  2. APCA receives a Request for Inspector (2022 Form) with partial fee calculated on base contract amount
  3. An inspector is appointed
  4. APCA receives Product Submittal Form, 09900 section and room finish schedule
  5. Inspections are carried out once products are approved and first installment fee is paid
  6. When inspections are finished, a deficiency list signed off, and final fee is paid, a Certificate of Guarantee and inspection booklets are provided to the owner, architect, and paint contractor. These booklets include all inspection reports, photographs, contact information, paint samples, technical data and maintenance requirements. (Final fees are due at the midpoint of the job.)

The program also provides no-cost industry standard technical advice and assistance to the Consultant, the objective being to assist in obtaining a superior and consistent quality performance, project after project.

First, complete the APCA Request for Inspector (2022 Form). Then provide the Product Submittal Form and use the checklist (keep this checklist form) for your own records and information. The intent of this checklist is to guide you through the Certification process.

You will notice the non-member fee on the Request for Inspector Form. This indicates a higher payment and it must be noted that you will not receive an APCA Guarantee as a non-member, only the qualified inspections. Therefore, if you are the contractor who won the APCA job then you will need to process membership with APCA prior to starting the job.

Please notify us by phone, or e-mail when you are bidding an APCA job in the future to aid our staff in facilitating the Certificate of Guarantee inspection process. We value your comments, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the General Manager, Kirk Beggs at the APCA office.

Recycling for Commercial Painters in Edmonton

Commercial painting businesses can drop off their leftover volumes of commercial paint at the Shepard Waste Management Facility on Friday, May 12 from 8am – 2 pm.

Commercial painting businesses are invited to bring their leftover paint and empty paint cans for recycling to Nor-Alta Waste in Edmonton on Thursday May 25, and Friday May 26 from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.

For further information, please read this document: Commercial Paint Disposal Roundup (PDF)

Milestone Memberships

  • Platinum – 15+ years of continuous membership
    • Derochie Painting Ltd.
    • Foothills Decorating
    • Ideal Contract Services Ltd.
    • Neven & Sons Decorating Ltd.
    • Ray-Nor Painting & Decorating Ltd.
    • Real Property Painting Consortium
    • Western Painting & Decorating (1999) Ltd.

See all APCA members

Lunch & Learns

APCA offers a one-hour Lunch & Learn Session for Architects and Specification Writers

The Alberta Painting Contractors Association (APCA) is the accredited quality assurance association in Alberta for the Master Painters Institute (MPI) Quality Assurance Program.

This program provides assistance with:

·       Specification Review & Development ·       Inspection & Deficiency Reports
·       On-Site Inspection Services ·       Two-Year Warranty
·       Technical Assistance ·       Final Sign-Off

The Lunch and Learn Session is presented by a qualified Paint Inspector and/or a Paint Manufacturer/Supplier Representative.  You will receive up-to-date information on new Approved Products, Future Trends, and Environmental Concerns as they relate to the paint industry i.e. Green Products.

They will also briefly cover Industry Standards and the APCA Inspection and Quality Assurance Program, which provides you with superior, consistent quality performance, job after job and ensures the above items are incorporated.

Take a look at the members currently aligned with us on the attached list. To book a Lunch and Learn presentation, please email or

MPI Details

The Master House Painters Association of the U.S. and Canada was formed in 1885 with the purpose being“…to solve problems created by unsatisfactory materials, and to devise a means for assuring the public of the skill, honorable reputation and probity of master painters.” The Master Painters Institute (MPI) was formed in 1996 to further these aims through the revision and publication of the Architectural Painting Specification Manual and the Maintenance Repainting Manual. (Click here to order these manuals.)

MPI Updates

Standards MPI have been working on updating the performance standards associated with testing and listing in the MPI Approved products list. For more information on these updates please click here:

A new performance standard has been released for Latex, Interior, High Performance. MPI #142 is for Flat (MPI Gloss Level 1), whereas only Gloss level 2-5 have been available previously.

Anyone that has purchased the complete set of standards within the last year will receive all of the updated versions, plus the new standards, including the MPI #142.

Anyone interested in purchasing the complete set of MPI standards can do so via

The MPI is changing the “Decision Tree Tool” and below you will find DEMO links to try these out.

MPI Architectural Painting Decision TreeTMDEMO A tool to assist with specifying coatings on new-build Architectural and Commercial coatings projects.

MPI Restoration Repainting Decision TreeTMDEMO A tool to assist with specifying coatings on repainting/ restoration Architectural and Commercial coatings projects.

For more information please visit MPI Decision TreeTM

If you are a current subscriber to the MPI Specification Manuals there are two options to access the DT tools available to you:

  1. Swap your current subscription to the new Decision Tree Tools, at no extra cost for the remainder of your subscription term. After it expires you will be charged the new Decision Tree renewal rate.
  2. Keep your current Online Manual Subscription, while investing in the new Decision Tree Tools subscription at a largely discounted rate.

Contact us if you would like to choose one of these options, or for more information.

MPI Approved Products >

Inspection Links

    Letter of recommendation
     Information for Painting Contractors
     Information for Architects / Specifying Authorities
   Bid Process

APCA Inspection Program Forms

   Contractor’s Checklist
   Request for Inspector
   Request for Consultation
   Request for Specifications
   Product Submittal Form
   Product Substitution Form
   Warranty Supplement Form Process
   APCA Travel Expenses and Services Fees

PDF forms: print, complete and email to

Master Painters Institute

Attention APCA Members

Due to the continuing inflation and increases in fuel prices, the Board of Directors of the APCA has decided to increase the cost per kilometre for travel on inspections outside of the city proper of Calgary and Edmonton, EFFECTIVE August 1, 2022.

We will now be charging $.70 per km, up from $.60 per km.

Attached is the new Request for Inspector form (RFI) that shows this along with the new flat rate charges for many cities within the Calgary and Edmonton areas.

We understand that all of you as business owners and contractors are experiencing the same and that these costs are in the end being passed onto the General Contractors and project owners.


Kirk Beggs
General Manager
Alberta Painting Contractors Association

Membership FAQ

Why Should I Join APCA? What’s in it For Me?

I’m too busy to waste my time going to lunch meetings.

Yes, painting contractors are busy people and these meetings are all about business. We hold them over the lunch hour because we know you are busy running your business all day and that you want some time for your family too. But you have to eat, so while you enjoy lunch you learn from guest speakers the information you need and want to be successful in today’s competitive market. The subjects and speakers are selected in response to suggestions received from APCA members.

Why should I talk to my competitors?

Because your competitors are also your colleagues. The problem you face on a job today may be the same one he dealt with last month. Maybe you are the one with the solution to a problem plaguing others. Short staffed for a big job? Maybe he is slack right now and can lend you some qualified manpower. Got equipment sitting idle? Maybe he wants to rent it. This is what they call networking and it pays off.

It’s no one else’s business how I do my business.

Well other parties will make it their business if the customer is not happy. That’s why we developed the Inspection and Guarantee Program. It has been developed by the industry for the industry. Architect, building owner and painting contractor get a detailed report on products and procedures used on the job. Unbiased confidentiality is assured because the Association office, not APCA Board or committee members, are handling this process.

I do quality work and it does not need to be inspected.

It is up to the building owner or architect to decide if they want to specify the APCA Inspection and Guarantee Program. If you are not an APCA member and bid on such a job, you will be required to provide both a maintenance bond and the qualified inspections by the APCA inspector, which is charged by the hour. You will not receive the warranty.

I don’t want my member fees to pay for socializing.

Your APCA membership fees do NOT go towards socializing. All social events are all fully self-supporting through ticket sales and it’s your choice to pay and go or not. These events are fun and we all know that a surprising amount of business does get discussed during them. We hope that you will join us for the annual golf tournament, the winter President’s Ball, a Stampede BBQ, and more.

How is APCA going to increase my bottom line?

Make sure you get paid for what you do – use our Rate Calculation, Estimating, and Chargeout Rate Guides. In addition to those helpful materials, you receive the Architectural Painting Specification and Maintenance Repainting Manuals at a discounted rate.

How will APCA help me build my business?

People want security. When customers see you advertised as a member of APCA, they see you as part of a group and that gives them more confidence they will be receiving quality standards at competitive rates. This is the very reason why franchises succeed in all fields be it fast food or fuel. Also, when customers see the APCA Code of Ethics posted in your business, they are more confident they will be dealt with in a fair and professional manner. Who do you do business with?

None of the speakers or seminars is of any interest to me.

Speakers and seminar subjects are selected from suggestions received from the membership. The 2001 Calgary Trade Show covered the following topics: Code of Ethics and Professionalism, Specification Manuals, Apprenticeship, Estimating, Computer Applications, Waste Management and Disposal. When you join APCA you get a voice – use it. Send us your suggestions and we will utilize them.

I work for me. Why should I care about my profession’s image?

The image the public and other members of the construction industry have of the painting contractor business is a direct reflection on you. Do they see you as a skilled craftsman, a savvy business operator, an integral member of the construction team? Membership in a professional association enhances public confidence. Proudly display the APCA logo on your premises and in your advertising. See your name listed under the APCA banner in the yellow page directory in major centres.

What do government and media relations have to do with me?

Lots! Do you want industry input into matters such as waste management and disposal, product ingredients like lead, apprenticeship training, payroll taxes, etc.? Get your point across with a professional unified voice. Does the community know what you and your fellow contractors contribute? Tell them about your involvement in charity events such as Habitat for Humanity.

I can’t afford the time or money to go to a big conference to hear what’s new.

Continuing education and professional development are delivered to you in many ways. As a member of APCA you will receive our newsletter and information bulletins. Subjects of industry-specific interest are discussed by specialists at several venues including general meetings, regional conferences, trade shows and seminars. You pick the ones that are convenient for you.

I want to see discounts and dollar savings.

So do we! A larger, stronger membership gives us the ability to exercise group purchasing power. As our ranks grow we hope to broker agreements that will see APCA members eligible to participate in reduced rate programs such as insurance and employee benefits. Again, we will follow the direction set by our members. Send us your suggestions, i.e. discounted travel rates, and we will negotiate with service providers. Remember, the larger the group the greater our leverage, so join us now.