Notice of Annual General Meeting
In light of the current health circumstances and in order for our association to play a constructive role in containing the situation, we have decided to host the Annual General Meeting by Zoom video conferencing again this year.
You can download the program ahead of time to test your audio and video settings. You will also have the option to join via your browser. Please RSVP here for the Zoom meeting first, so we can ensure we will have quorum. Once you RSVP the login details will be sent to you.
The 2021 Slate of Nominations is attached, along with a Nomination Form if you know of anyone interested in participating on the Board this year. Please submit all nominations by March 24, 2021.
The meeting will start 4:00 pm, anticipating about an hour discussion.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Minutes of the April 20, 2020 Annual General Meeting
3. General Manager’s Report
a. 2020 Activity Review
b. Inspection Program Update
c. Education & Member Benefits
4. Financial Report
a. Approve Financial Statements as at December 31, 2020
5. Election of the Board of Directors
6. Adjournment
7. Other Business